液化天然氣(LNG)船是在-162℃低溫下運(yùn)輸液化氣的專用船舶, 是一種“海上超級(jí)冷凍車”,被譽(yù)為“皇冠上的明珠”。 LNG運(yùn)輸船是國際公認(rèn)的高技術(shù)、高難度、高附加值的“三高”產(chǎn)品,只有美國、中國、日本和歐洲的少數(shù)幾個(gè)國家能夠建造。在國際環(huán)保新規(guī)范陸續(xù)實(shí)施和油價(jià)居高不下的形勢下,將LNG作為船舶燃料的呼聲越來越高,因此LNG船技術(shù)發(fā)展也逐漸受到業(yè)界的重視,其行業(yè)前景相對(duì)明朗。
Barnstead Lab-Line Max Q 2000 Platform Shaker with Flask Tray #5
Barnstead Lab-Line Max Q 2000 Platform Shaker with Flask Tray #6
Baker SG-600 Sterilgard Class II Type A/B3 Biological Safety Cabinet Hood #1
Baker SG-600 Sterilgard Class II Type A/B3 Biological Safety Cabinet Hood #2
Baker SG-600 Sterilgard Class II Type A/B3 Biological Safety Cabinet Hood #3
Baker VBM-600 Sterigard Biological Safety Cabinet Hood #1
Baker VBM-600 Sterigard Class II Type A/B3 Biological Safety Cabinet Hood #2
Systems Specialties Inc. Isoflurane Vaporizer #3 with 4 and 2 Port Chambers
Forma Scientific Model 3110 CO2 Water Jacketed Incubator #5
Remp Type LHS-012 Microplate Foil Heat Sealer
Beckman NVT 90 90000 RPM 8 Well Centrifuge Rotor with Stand
NUAIRE NU-S819-300 Fume Hood Vented Workstation with FS4010 Blower
Haake K20 Recirculating Water Bath Chiller Heater with DC3 Temp Controller
Wave Biotech Sterile Tube Fuser STF IR #4
Baker Company AG4 ATS AniGARD II Vented Animal Transfer Station Hood #2
Buchi Syncore PolyVap Analyst Q101 Parallel Concentrator with coil evaporator
Applied Biosystems Model 3700 Prism DNA Analyzer #2
Applied Biosystems Model 3700 Prism DNA Analyzer
Precision GCA R10 Refrigerated Heating Circulating 66 456 Water Bath
Jouan CR312 Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge with Swing Bucket Rotor #2
BLC Model 2536-516-4 PERS Micro-G Isolation Table
Parr 690 Hydrogenation Reactor Apparatus Shaker Explosion Proof #7
Nikon Model Optiphot Microscope with Light
Revco VWR R406XABA Under Counter Explosion Proof Refrigerator
Aber Instruments Model 220 Biomass Monitor With Aber Head Amplifier #2
Perkin Elmer ISS-200 Advanced LC Sample Processor #1
Jouan CR312 Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge
Waters 515 WAT207000 HPLC Pump #1
Flow Sciences FS2015 BK Vented 3' Balance Hood with Blower #81
Flow Sciences FS2015 BK Vented 3' Balance Hood with Blo
Flow Sciences LEV-2010 2' ft Balance Safety hood blower new hose alarm
Systems Specialties Inc. Isoflurane Vaporizer #1 with 4 port chamber
Systems Specialties Inc. Isoflurane Vaporizer #2 with 4 port chamber
Brinkman Eppendorf 5403 Refrigerated Centrifuge & Hettich 1412 Fixed Angle Rotor
Forma Scientific Model 1184 Class 2 Type A/B3 Biological Safety Cabinet 4'
Fisher Scientific Isotemp Model FFC0500TABC C02 Water Jacketed Incubator
Fisher Scientific 12-562-5 StereoMaster 0.7x - 4.5x StereoZoom Microscope
Beckman Coulter JCF-Z Zonal & Continuous Flow Rotor
Forma Scientific Model 3110 CO2 Water Jacketed Incubator #4
Brinkman Lauda 6L Ecoline Model RE-106 Refrigerated Water Bath Recirculator
TBJ 32-26 MDSW Stainless Steel Downdraft Surgery Procedure Table with Gauge #5
Forma Scientific Model 3672 Double Door -30°C Freezer
Forma Scientific Model 3326 Dual Stack Water Jacketed Incubator
NuAire 4" NU-425-400 Biological Safety Cabinet Hood Class II Type A/B 3 #9
NuAire 4" NU-425-400 Biological Safety Cabinet Hood Class II Type A/B 3 #10
Tektronix 2642A Fourier Analyzer #1
Kinematica AG Polytron PT10-35 Homogenizer & PCU-11 Power Controller #2
Kinematica AG Polytron PT10-35 Homogenizer & PCU-11 Power Controller #1
TBJ 32-26 DD-VST Stainless Steel Downdraft Surgery Surgical Table & Gauge #4
Jouan C4-12 Bench Top Centrifuge With Swing Bucket Rotor, Buckets, and Inserts
IEC Centra MP4R Refrigerated Centrifuge and IEC 215 Swing Rotor
Thermo?Electron Model?740?Cryo??100?Liquid Nitrogen LN Cryogenic?Vesse?l
New Brunswick Scientific Innova 2100 Bench Top Orbital Platform Shaker
Perkin Elmer Spectrum 1000 FT-IR Spectrometer
Eppendorf Model 5402 Refrigerated Bench Top Centrifuge with Rotor #2
Beckman GS-6KR Kneewell Centrifuge with GH3.8 Rotor, Buckets & Inserts #4
New Brunswick Eppendorf AS-10 AGHR Sterilizer
Eppendorf 5417R Refrigerated MicroCentrifuge with F45-30-11 Rotor #1
Fisher Scientific Isotemp Ultra-Low -80 Chest Freezer I807CA14 & Chart Recorder
Hettich Rotanta 46 RSC Refrigerated Centrifuge with Rotor & Buckets
RMC Model MT-7 Microtome with Microscope
Barnstead Lab-Line 3625 Squaroid DUO Vacuum Oven
Jouan MR18-22 Benchtop Centrifuge with 10-Well Fixed Angle Rotor
Xenogen XGI-8 Gas Anesthesia System With Vaporizer & Induction Chamber
Buchi Rotavapor R with W240 Water Bath and Liquid Cooling Glass
Sorvall RT6000D Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge with M1000B Rotor & Buckets #2
Sorvall RT6000D Benchtop Centrifuge #1 refrigerated rotor buckets inserts
Sorvall RT6000B Benchtop Centrifuge Refrigerated tested rotor buckets inserts
True VWR Model GDM-23 Single Glass Door Laboratory Refrigerator
Sorvall RT6000 Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge #5
Buxco Restrained Whole Body Mon
key Plethysmograph PLY3117
Precision Scientific 4.5 Cu Ft Model 130DM Thelco Laboratory Oven
VetEquip IMPAC6 Veterinary Anesthesia Chamber Isoflurane Vaporizer #6
Buchi EL131 Rotavapor Evaporator with Type B-165 Water Bath & Glassware #1
VetEquip IMPAC6 4 Chamber Anesthesia Unit with Vaporizer #1
Revco REC5004A20 Double Glass Door Refrigerator Chromatography #5
True VWR GDM-47 Dual Sliding Glass Door Cooler Refrigerator Chromatography
AirClean 600 Systems Model AC648LF PCR 4ft Workstation Hood #2
Lab-Line Instruments 3623ABC M.D.O. Counter Top Vacuum Oven #2
Forma Scientific Model 3937 Reach-In Incubator
Revco Ultima II ULT350-9-A30 Ultra-Low Chest Freezer
MJ Research PTC-225 Peltier Thermo Cycler DNA Engine Tetrad
Sorvall T6000B Benchtop Centrifuge Sorvall 41000 Rotor with Buckets & Inserts
MJ Research Model PTC-225 Peltier Thermal Cycler DNA Engine Tetrad #2
VetEquip IMPAC6 4 Chamber Anesthesia Unit with Vaporizer #4
Thermo Forma Model 3920 Environmental Chamber *PARTS*
Tripp-Lite SmartOnline UPS AGBP240V7RT3U Series 3 Piece Set #2
Tripp-Lite SmartOnline UPS AGBP240V7RT3U Series 3 Piece Set #3
Accuscan Instruments Environmental Control Chamber Fusion V3.2 #2
Accuscan Instruments Environmental Control Chamber Fusion V3.2 #1
NAPCO 51201065 Model 5400 Double Stack CO2 Water-Jacketed Incubator
BioRad (Non-CFC) Cooling Module with Variable Speed Pump
Waters M996 HPLC Photodiode Array Detector
Motic?AE20?Seri?es Inverted?Micros?cope #1
Julabo Model F12 Recirculating Heated and Cooling Waterbath Ciculator
VetEquip Vet Anesthesia System AB18075
Forma Scientific 3956 Reach-In CO2 Incubator Environmental Chamber 29 Cu Ft
New Brunswick Scientific G-25 Controlled Environment Incubator Shaker #2
Forma Scientific 3956 Reach-In CO2 Incubator Environmental Chamber 29 Cu Ft #2
VetEquip IMPAC6 4 Chamber Anesthesia Unit with Vaporizer #5
Fisher Scientific Isotemp 3028 Heating Circulator Water Bath
Flow Sciences FS10300T Ventilated Balance Safety Enclosure Hood Cabinet #2
Nuaire NU-301-630 laminar Flow Hood 6' with NEW Pre-Filters #1
Nuaire NU-301-630 Laminar Flow Hood 6' with NEW Pre-Filters #2
Flow Sciences FS10300T Ventilated Balance Safety Enclosure Hood Cabinet #1
Flow Sciences FS-10300-01 Ventilated Balance Safety Enclosure Hood & Alarm
MJ Research Model PTC-225 Peltier Thermal Cycler DNA Engine Tetrad #1
Carver 3690 Hydraulic Bench Press with 4 Load Cells and Display Box
Savant ISS110 Integrated Speed Vac Concentrator System #2
PolyScience 9505 Bench Top Circulator Refrigerated Water Bath 13-Liter
Lenderking S.S. Comfortcage 6 Cage Single Group Housing Rabbits Cat Dog rabbit
Holten Laminair Type S-2010 1.2 Class II Bench Top Safety Cabinet Hood UV
Perkin Elmer Cetus DNA Thermal Cycler Model 480 #2
D-Star Instruments DFW-20 Fixed Wavelength Detector and Ross 101 Recorder
Baxter Scientific Biofuge 17R Bench Top Centrifuge with Fixed Angle Rotor 23652G
BioRad Hydrotech Vacuum Pump
Baker?SG400?Ste?rilgard?Class?I?I Type A / B3 ?Biological?Saf?ety Cabinet Hood #10
Flow Sciences FS2015 BKFVA 3' Lab Balance Scale compound power Hood Blower #62
Flow Sciences LEV2015F Vented 3ft Balance Hood with Alarm & Blower
Baker?SG400?Ste?rilgard?Class?I?I A / B3?Biological?S?afety Cabinet Hood #11
Baker?SG400?Ste?rilgard?Class?I?I? A / B3 Biological?Safe?ty Cabinet Hood #4
Baker?SG400?Ste?rilgard?Class?I?I A / B3?Biological?S?afety Cabinet Hood #14
Baker?SG400?Ste?rilgard?Class?I?I?Biological?Sa?fety Cabinet Hood #15
Temperature Applied Sciences Micro Thermal Chamber Vacuum Oven
Baker?SG400?Ste?rilgard?Class?I?I?Biological?Sa?fety Cabinet Hood #4
Baker?SG400?Ste?rilgard?Class?I?I? A / B3 Biological?Safe?ty Cabinet Hood #8
Baker?SG400?Ste?rilgard?Class?I?I A / B3 ?Biological?Saf?ety Cabinet Hood #12
PURE AIRE 960L+36 Horizontal Laminar Flow Workstation Hood
Parr 3900 Series Hydrogenation Apparatus Shaker Reactor #4
Fisher Scientific 3557FS Single Door Explosion Proof Laboratory Refrigerator #2
Baker SterilGuard Class II A/B3 4ft Biological Safety Cabinet Hood UV-C Lamp #3
Flow Sciences 3' FS2015BTW Balance Safety Enclosure Hood with Alarm & Blower #89
Flow Sciences FS2015 3ft Balance compounding power Hood Blower Alarm #72
Flow Sciences FS2015BKFVA Benchtop Lab Enclosure & FS4000SS Filter #19
Flow Sciences FS2015BKFVA 3' VBSE Balance Safety Hood with FS4000 Blower
Flow Sciences FS2015 BTW vented 3' Balance Hood with Alarm & Blower #87
Flow Sciences FS2015BKFVA Vented 3' Balance Hood with Alarm & Blower #83
Flow Sciences LEV2015F Vented 3ft Balance Hood with Blower & Alarm #2
Flow Sciences FS2015BKFVA Vented 3' Balance Hood with Alarm & Blower #73
Flow Sciences VBSE FS2015 Vented 3' Balance Hood with Alarm & Blower #90
Flow Sciences VBSE FS2015 3' Vented Balance Hood with Blower #91
Thermo Scientific PR305045M Model OV700F Precision Laboratory Oven
Flow Sciences FS2015BKFVA Vented 3' Balance Hood with Blower #85
NuAire NU-813-400 Series-SP Benchtop Containment Cabinet 4' L with Alarm #2
NuAire NU-813-400 Series-SP Benchtop Containment Cabinet 4' L with Alarm
Mettler Toledo DL 39 Karl Fischer Coulometer
Becton Dickinson BBL Crystal Bacterial Crystal Identification System
Flow Sciences FS2015BK 3ft Lab Balance Safety Hood with FS4000 Blower #10
Taylor-Wharton 17K K-Series Cryostorage Liquid Nitrogen Storage System #2
Flow Sciences FS2015 3ft Lab compounding power hood Alarm & FS4000 Blower #57
Flow Sciences FS2015BKFVA Vented 3' Balance Hood with Alarm & Blower #86
Thermo Electron Revco ULT2186-5-D40 Ultra-Low Temp -80C Freezer *PARTS*
Flow Sciences ES2015BK Ventilated Balance Safety with filter blower #59
Flow Sciences 3' FS2015BKFVA Hood with Blower #60 new hose and clamps
Flow Science FS2015BKFVA Hood FS4000 blower Filter #61 with new hose
Flow Sciences FS2015 BVSE Vented 3' Balance compounding Hood & Blower #84
Flow Sciences FS2015 VBSE 3' Balance scale compounding Hood & Blower #88
Forma Scientific 3860 Double Stack HEPA Filtered CO2 Incubator #3
Lab Line Obit Environ-Shaker 3527 Enviornmental Shaker
Flow Sciences FS 2015Compounding Hood With FS4000 Blower #7
Flow Sciences FS2015 3' Compounding Hood Balance Enclosure w/ blower #71
Flow Sciences FS2015 3ft Lab Safety Hood with FS4000 Blower & Alarm #60
TBJ 32-48 DD-VST Stainless Steel Downdraft Surgery Surgical Procedure Table #1
TBJ 32-48 DD-VST Stainless Steel Downdraft Surgery Surgical Procedure Table #2
Bellco Glass 7910-00110 Laboratory AutoBlot Hybridization Oven
Kelvinator?BT30?RCC Pharmacy Laboratory Chromatography??Refrigerator
Parr Model 3916 Hydrogenation Apparatus Shaker Reactor #6
Parr Model 3921 Hydrogenation Apparatus Shaker Reactor #5
Labnet?Vortemp??56?Shaking?Incu?bator Microtubes and Microplates
Baxter Scientific Products DP-22 Gold Series Vacuum Drying Oven
Lab-Line Model 3608 Squaroid Vacuum Oven Tested working w/ manual
Astro-Med Grass Instruments Dash IV 7400 Physiological Recorder tested
Thermo Savant DNA 120 SpeedVac Concentrator Centrifuge with Rotor #2
Thermo Savant DNA 120 SpeedVac Concentrator Centrifuge with Rotor #1
Stryker Model 1001 Hydraulic Procedure Stretcher 500lb Capacity
Lab Products 112-Cage Housing Unit With Air Supply and Exhaust Unit #2
Lab Products 112-Cage Housing Unit With Air Supply and Exhaust Unit #1
Fisher Scientific 3557FS Single-Door Explosion Proof Laboratory Refrigerator #3
Taylor-Wharton 17K K-Series Cryostorage Liquid Nitrogen Storage System LN2
Molecular?Devic?es?SkanWASHER-3?00 Version B?Microplate?Wa?sher #2
Nuaire NU-408FM-600 Biological 6' Safety Cabinet Hood & Stand
Integra Biosciences Vacusafe?Comfor?t?Vacuum Pump Aspiration System #13
AirClean 600 Systems Model AC600DB Ductless PCR Workstation Hood #2
Allentown Caging Rack Mice Rat Cage with 24 Cages and Blower #2
Flow?Sciences 2' VBSE FS2010BKDVA?Bal?ance Safety Hood with 59015HD Blower
Ohaus Model EP4102 Explorer Pro Digital Scale
Ohaus Model EP4102 Explorer Pro Digital Scale #2
Nuaire 6.5' NU-440-600 Biological Safety Cabinet Hood Class II Type A/B3
AirClean 600 Systems AC632DB Ductless PCR Workstation Hood #1
Barnstead Lab-Line Max Q 2000 Platform Shaker with Flask Tray #1
Barnstead Lab-Line Max Q 2000 Platform Shaker with Flask Tray #2
Barnstead Lab-Line Max Q 2000 Platform Shaker with Flask Tray #4