1、Theory of Operation
The LDM 41/42 P Laser Distance Measurement Sensor with Profibus DP interface is designed for
distance measurement applications in an industrial environment. The LDM 41/42 P works based on
comparative phase measurement. To achieve this, it emits a visible Laser beam with different
modulation frequencies. The target being measured returns diffusely reflected light that is
subsequently compared with a reference signal. Finally, a microprocessor uses the recorded phase
shift to calculate a required distance with mm accuracy.
The sensor LDM 41 P distinguishes itself through a high precision as well as a big independence of
the surface of the measured object. The LDM 42 P is design for fast measurement on a white target.
The red, well visible Laser beam allows a simple alignment.
Supervision of crane and conveyors
Distance and position measurement
Supervision of security-relevant parts
Supervision of lift systems / lift level measurement / elevator positioning
Positioning control
Diameter measurement of coils