Electrically Conductive, SilverEpoxy
H907-Y Electrically Conductive, Silver Epoxy has beenformulated for use in high throughput, automatic die attach equipment. Therheology of Huaccl H907-Y adhesive allows minimum adhesive dispense and die putdown dwell times, without tailing or stringing problems. The unique combinationof adhesive properties makes Huaccl H907-Y adhesive one of the most widely useddie attach materials in the semiconductor industry.
Excellent dispensability with minimal tailing andstringing
Box oven cure
Filler Type/填料類型Silver
Work Life/工作時(shí)間@25℃ 16 hours
Storage Life @-5℃half yearA
Recommended Cure Condition 1 hour @ 120℃
Alternate Cure Condtion 3-5℃/min ramp to 120℃ 1 hour @ 175℃
Note:The ramp cure was oberserved to yieldreduced voiding and increased strength.
Water Extract Conductivity 13 μmhos/cm
Coefficient of ThermalExpansion Below Tg 40ppm/℃
AboveTg1 50ppm/℃
Moisture Absorption 吸濕率@ Saturation 0.6% (Dynamic VaporSorption after 85℃
85%RH exposur)
The use ofmethods
1,toplacebondingfixedneed to keepdry,clean;
2,if theepoxyisstoredinfrozen environments,before usemust firsttake out toroom temperatureafter thawingto use;ifthereis water into thetank,pleasedropso as not to affectthe bonding strengthwithpretreatment,ifstoredinlong time,pleasebefore usingthe colloidalstirbeforeuse;
3,in theprocess ofsizing;should avoidthe glue liquidin high temperatureenvironment;
4,glue inthe curing process,theheatingeffectsmay bedownwardvertical flow,please try tokeepadhesiveproductsandviscosepartshorizontally.
The matters needingattention
1,the workplaceshould ensure that clean,air circulation,ventilationequipment must beinstalledwhen necessary.
2,because theproducts are chemicalproducts heatedreaction will occur,so theeffect of environmentaltemperatureon the quality of theproduct,pleasesave productin low temperature environment,in order to ensure the stabilityand quality ofproducts,if notstored in low temperature,in the productuse process prone toflowstrengthglue oradhesivedecline phenomenon;
3,after removing thefailed torun out of thegel,pleasetightlysealedback in thefrozenstorage conditions;
4,there are very few peoplelong timecontactgluewillproducea mild skinallergy,milditching,recommendedwhen wearing protective gloves,stickto the skinwith acetone,methyl ethyl ketoneor alcoholpleasewipe,and the use ofdetergent;accidentally splashed into the eyes,0.9%sterilesalt waterrinse for 15 minutes,ask the doctor tocheckcureserious;
In5,beforeuse,please try on a smallamount,learn how to use,to avoiderror.
Storage andpackaging
1,thisproductis to bestored in sealedcold,cool,dry place,outthetest,can continue to use;storage conditions:25 ℃/2monthsif necessary,pleaseuse the refrigeratorstorage
2,packaging specifications:100g/200g/500g/1kg